Full Body Scanners At Airports Reaveal All

There are lot of talks about the full body scanners at airports. These new full body scanners are now becoming popular than the normal body searches that we all were once used to. These scanners, better know as ‘whole body imaging technologies‘ can see through your clothing to reveal metallic and non metallic objects. These include weapons or even plastic objects. They also reveal a person’s silhouette and the outline of the underwear. Thus, passengers under the age of 18 are exempt from airport body scanners until further notice from the airport council. However, there is a specialty underwear that blocks radiation and revealing everything.

Airport Full Body Scanners

Full Body Scanners Images

Full Body Scanner Images | (c) Photo By Concrave

The US Transportation Security Agency (TSA) has already started using these full body scanners at six airports. They are San Francisco, Miami, Albuquerque, Tulsa, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas. More cities are expected to have these full body scanners very soon. Other countries including UK, Netherlands, Japan and Thailand has also begun to use these airport body scanners.

The good news for passengers is that your safety while traveling is now 101% secured because it identifies possible weapons and explosives. Also, these airport full body scanners intentionally blur facial features. This way the security officer viewing scans at a remote location won’t be able to identify the passengers. Once the scan is done the images are deleted. Also the machine doesn’t store any of your images. However, if you are still self conscious, you can choose between the full body scanners or the more traditional body search conducted by a TSA officer with a wand.

It feels good to know that I can travel in a plane with better security but at the same time it feels like entering a ‘who’s hotter naked‘ contest. What are your thoughts as a passenger on these airport full body scanners?

2 Responses to “Full Body Scanners At Airports Reaveal All”

  1. Shamis says:

    I totally agree about security. Also, to keep the private parts private, there is now a new underwear! :) Check out my post about it. Thanks for your comment!
    Shamis recently posted..New Underwear To The Rescue From Airport Security ScannersMy Profile

  2. From my point of view I would prefer to make my private parts private. But when I get the knowledge that the image after scanning is not saved then I will go for the scanning without any hesitation and problem. Because security is must for all during travel. Thanks for the post.