Travel Photo: Hikkaduwa Beach By The Evening

Sunset At Hikkaduwa Beach, Sri Lanka

If you love the beach as much as I do, there is a beautiful place that you would want to go. It is Hikkaduwa in coastal area of Sri Lanka. Hikkaduwa is truly a tropical paradise for sunny weather, blue ocean and beach, surfing, snorkeling, corals, turtles, shopping and total relaxation by […]

Amazing Views From Loos Around The World

Have you ever wished that you had some amazing views while in the loo instead of a rack of magazines and towels to stare at? Well you are not alone. It crossed my mind too. A bit of research found loos / bathrooms with amazing views from around the world with some […]

World’s Best Underwater Experiences

Ever dream of under experiences in the ocean like a little Mermaid? How about a nice meal under the ocean while the fish swim right pass by you? If underwater experiences like this is what you have been looking for here is some good news for you. Underwater hotels and restaurants are […]

Message To Airlines & Airports: Please Treat Passengers Better

I have a love and hate relationship with airports and airlines these days. I hear crazy stories in news about passengers sleeping on floors and having to wait in lines for hours to get a boarding pass. The lack of organization and lack of information only seem to grow by the day […]

Best Places To Travel In December

End of the year and holiday season is the time to look for some of the best places to travel in December. There are, of course, so many places to travel around the world. In fact, when it’s snowing in one place, the sun is shining on another place. So don’t get […]