When traveling you tend to capture things that are often very similar to what other capture, such as beaches and mountains. However, it is very rare that you get to capture intimate moments of animals while traveling. This travel photo shows a baby squirrel who seem to be very hungry and munching a juicy yellow mango.
Shamis… Its a marvelous photo shot..
Hello Shamis, your the one who took that photo, great shot huh, your like a pro. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
Rex Boerma recently posted..Used mini cooper
Thanks for your comment. The photo was actually taken by someone else. It is a great picture indeed!
Oh! So cute!!! I love squirrel!!! Nice shot!!
alison recently posted..Ways To Improve Female Fertility
It sure is a nice shot. Glad you like it too :)
Shamis recently posted..World’s Most Amazing Yachts
Cute picture Shamis! I always thought squirrels only acorns. I guess I was wrong.
Adeline recently posted..Balut: Stuff of Nightmares or Just Misunderstood?
Thanks Adeline! They eat lot of things like seeds, nuts and fruits. Flying squirrels even eat insects, eggs etc too.
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