How To Stay Warm During Your Winter Travels

Holiday season call for winter travels. However, traveling during the winter holidays is quite difficult due to low temperatures. If you are a traveler visiting from warm or less cold countries during winter season, you should know how to stay warm. Unfortunately mother nature will not shut down the cold factor to our liking when we take on winter travels. And if you are traveling specifically to see snow and experience winter holidays, you want it to be cold, right? Besides, winter holiday photographs are one of the most cherished photographs we take the whole year. So here are some ideas for you to keep those fingers and toes warm and comfortable during your winter holiday travels.

Tips For Winter Travels

Layering Your Clothes

Winter Travels - Winter Coats and Layering

Winter Coats and Layering | (c) Photo By fashionica

Layering from head to toe is very important when it comes to winter traveling. You want a hood, a hat or a scarf for your head. Your body loses a lot of heat from the head so it is very important to cover it up. Next is the neck, you will also want a scarf to wrap your neck properly because not all jackets will cover it.

Moving on, you will want to wear a couple layers of clothing for your body. Meaning a shirt, a light jacket, and finally a heavier one. Just like your body, you have to keep your fingers warm as well. You will want to start with a pair of gloves, and then cover with a heavier pair on top.

For your legs, it is best to wear long johns (my best friend during the winter season let me tell you) and on top of that your normal pants. Your feet are also very important, so a pair of light socks and a pair of heavier ones, then thermal ones is the way to go. Oh yes, do not forget your boots.

Prepare Your Vehicle For Winter Travels

Prepare Vehicle for Winter Travels

Vehicle In The Winter | (c) Photo By Continental

If you travel in the winter time, it is important to keep your car warm. The  best way is to have your vehicle park inside your garage or a car parking lot that is inside. This will keep it away from the wind and cold.

If you have a remote car starter, you are safe to park outside. These lovely gadgets can be set with many different setting options such as when the temperature gets to a certain point, the car will automatically start and run for a little bit and make it warm. This is a great way, because it will prevent the car from freezing up or not starting when needed. You can also pre-warm your car so it is not cold when you get inside.

Hopefully these tips will help you when you are enjoying your holiday travels. So stay warm, safe and happy winter travels!

2 Responses to “How To Stay Warm During Your Winter Travels”

  1. Shamis says:

    Thanks for your comment Kenny! Covering ears sure help to stay warm during winter travels.
    Shamis recently posted..Travel Photo- Frozen Niagara Falls Canada During WinterMy Profile

  2. Kenny says:

    Don’t forget a hat. There is much heat loss out of the top of the head and it is also a good idea to protect your ears.