Travel Photo: Baby Squirrel Having A Quick Snack

When traveling you tend to capture things that are often very similar to what other capture, such as beaches and mountains. However, it is very rare that you get to capture intimate moments of animals while traveling. This travel photo shows a baby squirrel who seem to be very hungry and munching a […]

Travel Photo: Grand Canyon Arizona

Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA is ‘the path of the eagle.’ In fact, that is how you would feel when you are 4,000 feet above the ground looking down the canyon. Grand Canyon in a steep canyon, which has been carved by the Colorado River. What is intriguing about this world famous […]

Travel Photo: Floating Fishing Boats In Weligama

The blue mystic ocean has always captured my attention no matter where in the world I travel to, and this award-winning picture was taken while I was on a trip to Weligma in Sri Lanka. This travel photo won me a fabulous two nights stay at one of the most exquisite boutique […]

Travel Photo: Lonley Cloud In The Sky

Lonley Cloud

Capturing the bright blue sky filled with clouds are amazing but it is on rare occasions you get to see a single large cloud floating on the sky. While on a trip to spend the night at a national sanctuary, I noticed this large cloud away from the rest. Guess it wanted […]

Travel Photo: Cashew Apples

We come across various kinds of fresh fruits on our travels to foreign lands. Some we’ve heard of like apples and some we are not too familiar with like different kinds of bananas. Today’s travel photo is about a fruit that many of you may not familiar with, called cashew apple. You […]